Stereophile's refusal to review more low

I have read countless letters to the editor pleading for more reviews of real world priced equipment. So far they have not responded in any meaningfull way. I wonder why they continue to run these letters if they are so focused on the mega buck stuff. What do you think ?
In my mind, the audio rags are obsolete; I get far more pertinent, rapid, and valuable advice from the knowledgable people on this site than I got reading TAS and Stereophile for 10 years. You folks have no economic reason to share your experiences, as such the very fact you're willing to take the time and make the effort to offer up an informed opinion carries a lot weight with me. Perhaps I'm a cynic, but I've not yet stumbled across an audio writer I trust or believe is genuine. So...let's hope the quality of people that frequent sites like Audiogon continues to improve and expand, we'll all enjoy the hobby that much more. Jeff
Ray, the integrity question was not personal, I meant it as a reminder that anyone's integrity can be questioned, including you and me. There must be hundreds of products deserving of review, but Sterophile, TAS, Stereo Review, etc. are not Consumer Reports, and I don't think we should expect them to be. When I mentioned intermingling I clearly meant that friendships that develop between people with similar interests (audiophiles) does not equal a compromise of integrity. I would not mince words about a product if I was a reviewer, and although some do, obviously some don't. In Stereophile I have noticed many negative comments about products and service, which reflect poorly on a company, even if the manufacturers are not directly attacked. As for directly preferring brand A over brand B, look at Mr. Fremer's power cord review this month, there is clearly a first and second choice. Also, it is not always so cut and dry, as in this product is not as good as that product. The reviewer can recognize quality in a product, even if it is not exactly to his taste, or has a few minor flaws, so what sometimes seems like equivocation is merely fairness. I get much helpful information from Audiogon members, and also look at magazines to help point me in the right direction, and to gain more insight into this hobby. Ray, yes, you are being cynical, but that's your prerogative. I prefer to be skeptical, but trust that some people do have loads of integrity, even if they are not perfect, and some of those people just happen to be audio reviewers.
Ray, forgot to mention that I speak for myself, and no one else. Martin Butler, Butler Music Productions New York City, BMPNYC, Audiogon member in good standing for over 2 1/2 years.
Odd response, Bmpnyc (what is your name anyway?). You go out of your way to insult me when all I did was try to reconcile the competing views here. I said no criticism was intended and I did NOT say "advertisers control reviewers." I have no reason to question the integrity of any of Stereophile's reviewers. I've said before that I think they call it like they see it, and Atkinson's speaker measurements are straightforward and useful, even if he doesnt use a real anechoic chamber.

The fact is Stereophile is a buff mag, published as a vehicle for advertising mostly high end or near high end stereo equipment. It is not a scientific journal or one of those little artsy magazines. What distinguishes it from Stereo Review is the target market. And that's why I don't think people should be upset or accusatory if Stereophile doesn't review much mass market or inexpensive equipment.

Yes, as I mentioned above, they do mention some good cheap stuff. Mr. Fremer has given favorable mention to a lot of inexpensive record playing equipment. "Sam Tellig" has mentioned all sorts of stuff, including 18 gauge solid core wire from Radio Shack. Certainly no advertising control there. But the general content is dictated by the need to survive and the goal of making a profit, for which they obviously need mid to high end circulation to attract advertising dollars.
Great thread. Convincing arguments. I'm not sure what to think. Sometimes I wish I wasn't so cynical.