Upper Midrange Glare problem

I am seeking advice to eliminate hard upper midrange glare. I spent alot of money and the sound improved, but the glare is still present. Is there something wrong with my set up, or etc? My systems is as follows:

Counterpoint DA 11.5 transport with Shunyata King Cobra.
Sonic Frontiers SFD 2 MK II DAC with Shunyata Black Mamba.
Sonic Frontiers SFL 1 Signature Pre Amp with Shunyata Viper.
All above components connected to the PS Audio P300 with a Shunyata King Cobra attached to it.

Bryston 7B ST Mono block with PS Audio Lab Cables connected to two Ultimate outlets which is connected to XLO Type 10 powercords to the wall outlet.

Speakers PSB Stratus Gold, placed 3 ft away from rear wall 2 1/2 ft from side wall, room is 15'wide 21'deep
8 1/2tall. Listening distance is 9 ft away from speakers.

Digital - Illuminati D60 - BNC and Illuminati DX-50 - XLR
Interconnects - AudioQuest Diamond X2 - RCA
Speaker Cables - AudioQuest Dragon to highs and Clear 3 to bass.
All Cables are raised by ceramic tiles.

Brights star foundation platforms, tip toes, for each component sitting on a Stand design rack, set of room tunes corners, side walls and tune stripes.

New additions will be XLO limited edition XLR digital cable and Siemens CCa tubes for SFD 2 MK II. Will be here shortly.

Very fraustrated. Any suggestions will be openly noted, thanks.

Hey, Dekay - Does the miniature, giant gorilla (oxymoron intended) on the E.S.B. throw off the imaging?
Bow- The Herron is an excellent choice for a pre-amp upgrade. Once it is fully broken in and you have a good feel for how it sonically fits in your system, be sure to play with different NOS tubes.
Also, I'm sure that you've already thought about it. But, if you don't have separate, dedicated A/C feeds for the system, definitely check into it. The gains can be significant, even though you're using the PS.

Aragain- I certainly agree with you. I've had system configurations that were tolerable, but gave no enjoyment at all. In several instances, otherwise good cables were the culprit. The tough part is knowing where the imbalance lies. Too many systems have been built using nothing but "Stereopile A" rated equipment and cables with no real insight for synergy, and sound like it.
JC: We coudln't find a tiny King Kong, so placed "Lambchop" up there instead (good place for him/it/she if you ask me:-).