whats up with jadis

whats the story wih jadis
Trelja, you confirm what I've heard myself. Also there has been a huge shakeup in the facory in France, I'm told. As far as the US is concernd, its a crying shame indeed, but I suppose, that in due course a new importer/distributor will arrive on the scene. I believe that you can contact Jadis France direct through the internet.
I dealt with the US distributor a few years ago to find out additional details on buying a used Jadis amplifier... the distributor berated me for such a thought and that the amplifier I was going to buy was a piece of junk. He claimed the power transformer would blow up on me within 6 months and cost me as much to replace the transformer as the amplifier itself. He then proceeded to try and sell me a new one direct for his cost. When I told him I wasn't going to buy from him (he offered me a great deal but I didn't have the extra $$$ at the time), he hung up on me. I did a little more investigation and found his dealer network had all but dropped him. More than 3 yrs later, the thing is still kicking and sounding as good as ever.
Jadis had a strong exhibit at High End 2001/ Frankfurt. The equipment is still selling in Germany (with more people buying new, rather than used). I did not get the feeling from the reps that there was anything wrong in Europe, except maybe stronger competition from Italy (VAIC/MasterSound, VIVA ... as competitors taking over some of Jadis's market share). I "felt the magic" from Jadis equipment this year as I did last year. Sorry to hear about the American situation.
Slawney, nice to see your name again! Jadis is doing very well here too, with -as you say- the old magic still as strong as ever.
I have no trouble getting ANY Jadis gear I desire from Brooks Berdan Ltd. in Monrovia, CA. Service as well. My new JA-100s balanced came right on time. He has a pretty nice display of Jadis' line as well.