Ground 'box' what's in them?

Anyone have any idea what's going on inside these ground 'boxes' some companies are coming out with?

Examples are the Entreq, Synergistic Research et al.
Looks like a worthwhile article. But it can't really be used to judge the value of ground boxes. To do would be analogous to judging an amplifier based solely on its specs.
To Electroid: Since you use a system with the grounds lifted, I hope you will try The Synergistic research Grounding Block as it has a money back policy.

You are the perfect person to do this experiment with one of these ground conditioning devices
BTW, the Entreq may decrease noise as an added benefit, but that's not really what its about.
08-10-15: Psag
Looks like a worthwhile article. But it can't really be used to judge the value of ground boxes. To do would be analogous to judging an amplifier based solely on its specs.
If one has a high resolution system, any change is easily audible. I can easily pick fuse orientation in a blind test.

After spending big $$ on a tweak, it can cloud your judgement. Whether it's different or an improvement is up to the owner to decide.