Best Complete HomeTheater USED for $5000.00

Experienced Audiophile - who want wants switch to Home theater for a while. Though I still want to enjoy my CDs on two channel ? Also whats the best / largest Plazma under $5000.00
Please help.
>>My points were to say that a top quality two channel system will not sound
better than a top quality surround system...dream on<<

Not only that, but it appears you failed to read Saffy's original post where he
wrote --

"Experienced Audiophile - who want wants switch to Home theater for a
while. Though I still want to enjoy my CDs on two channel."

Saffy sounds to me like someone who enjoys music in two channel.


Dude -- for a guy who claims that $5,000 is some kind of high water mark
for a two channel system, I don't think you can dis my surround system when
it is combined with my two channel system -- or maybe you missed the point
that these two systems used to be combined.

If you have a suggestion for a $5,000 (used) surround system that can
compete with a top quality two channel system, I'd be interested in reading it
-- and I'd bet others clicking this thread would as well.

Or -- heh-heh-heh -- maybe that's why you want to do it in e-mail.
Hey Rsbeck,If ya dont like what is proposed in this thread, and it is very clear you think you are better than everyone else, then just shut up, unless you get off on being an asshole, by the way your so called great HT system has been posted for over 1 year now, yet nobody has said anything to you about it....hmmmm wonder why?
It is sad that you and your silly and useless arguements have twisted this thread into something the poster cant even gain anything by reading anymore, and seeing how you never can bring yourself to think a $5000 HT system can work then you should have never opened your over-used mouth. Saffy asked for help putting together a good HT with the money he has, he never asked if it can or cant be done...there was nothong productive in your post's, just an obvious snob attitude.
"Dude -- for a guy who claims that $5,000 is some kind of high water mark
for a two channel system"

Hmmm, I'm sure I spent more than $5,000 on my system? Are you one of those hifi snobs?

Your kind of funny when your pissed...heh-heh-heh. Were you the captain of the debating team or something?

Dude -- I recommend you switch to decaf pronto.

>>never can bring yourself to think a $5000 HT system can work then you should have never opened your over-used mouth.<<

I never said a $5,000 (used) home theater system cannot work.

If you wouldn't let your emotions run wild while you read, you might be better at reading comprehension.

You give your little opinion, I'll give mine and we let the poster make up his own mind. The only worthless posts in this thread and the emotional over-reactions from people who cannot maintain their blood pressure while reading divergent opinions.

What I am saying is that if you are a two channel music person as Saffy is -- and as I am -- you might want to think twice about adding surround for movies. I have been there and done that so -- OF COURSE -- I have something to say on the topic and the original poster is free to ignore me, like I am going to start ignoring your childish outbursts.
Hey Dave!
I didnt notice you at first, we talked a while back about VMPS, nice to see you!