Best Complete HomeTheater USED for $5000.00

Experienced Audiophile - who want wants switch to Home theater for a while. Though I still want to enjoy my CDs on two channel ? Also whats the best / largest Plazma under $5000.00
Please help.
You talk to me, how much simpler of an answer can I give you? :)

I suffer when I listen to my music in two channel, why take advice from people who only seem to get success from two channels?

Maybe changing your question to attract the multi-channel guys would be best. Post "Budget Multi-channel music/film system" Multi-channel will eventually catch on one day, but for right now its a small group of people who get it and you need to talk to them.

Otherwise you're just going to get the same go round.

PS: Think of the level of commitment it would take to go with a new analog system. going multi-channel requires that kind of commitment, you wouldn't buy an expensive turntable and put a $19 cartridge on it an expect greatness. How can you only buy 2 out of 5 speakers and expect greatness? Wasting your money with that mentality.
Hi saffy again

My present system consists of:

Theta David II - no pro scan
Jadis DA-60 Integrated tube amp.
Sistrum Carravel monitor speakers
Sistrum Plateau Interconnects and Power cords
Meitner Bi-Dat DAC
Sistrum Rack

While I know a reasonable amount about 2-channel - please talk about home theater like I'm in grade 2 please.

Becuase of budget restraints - I'm willing to downgrade my 2-channel components a little in order to include Home theater - except changing my speakers.(I have a seperate budget for the screen)

Thank you everyone for the great input
>>I suffer when I listen to my music in two channel<<

That's because you're listening with low end home theater gear.

The way to have one's cake -- excellent two channel music -- and eat it, too -- add 5.1 Home Theater capability -- is NOT to start with gear that will make you suffer when you listen in two channel and then surround yourself with more of that kind of gear.