Best Complete HomeTheater USED for $5000.00

Experienced Audiophile - who want wants switch to Home theater for a while. Though I still want to enjoy my CDs on two channel ? Also whats the best / largest Plazma under $5000.00
Please help.
Projector ------ $3,000

Receiver ------ $2,000

Speakers ----- $1,000 (rear surrounds)

Sub-woofer --- $1,500

DVD player --- $1,200



If you sell your Theta David for $1,200

Your total is somewhere around $7,500 including the projector.

You can save money by going with a cheaper sub-woofer and you should demo the Jadis against the receiver to decide whether you want to keep it or use the receiver exclusively.
Ok - interesting 7500 system
But if I sell I sell my jadis wont my 2 channel bliss go down the drain? - If I keep the Jadis can I just get away with a pre / AV?
I suppose the DVD player change is less critical - plus added value of much better picture.
Do I need to spend used 1500 on a sub woofer- if only used for movies?
What kind of quality can I expect form a used $3000 projector?
Is $1000 really necessary for used rear speakers?
Sorry if any of these are stupid questions
you dont need a $1500 sub, nor do you need to spend 1000$ for rears, but I wont comment on projector, only to say I hope you have a very dark room for it.
I would think you could get both a sub and rears for less then $1500 total used, but I will leave it the know it alls to comment on that
>>But if I sell I sell my jadis wont my 2 channel bliss go down the drain?<<

I would think so.

>>If I keep the Jadis can I just get away with a pre / AV?<<

This is why I would suggest keeping the Jadis and seeing if you can live with a receiver as your hub. Personally, I couldn't. If you sell your Jadis, you may want to go with separates -- a surround processor and outboard amplification. This will depend on how deeply you want to get into home theater and what trade-offs you're willing to make.

>>Do I need to spend used 1500 on a sub woofer- if only used for movie<<

If it is only for movies, you can get by with a much less expensive sub-woofer, but if you go with an inexpensive home theater sub-woofer, you will not be happy with it for music -- your choice.

>>What kind of quality can I expect form a used $3000 projector?<<

The projector I suggested you put on your list is supposed to be excellent quality and with appropriate adjustments for your room size. But, you will have to research these.

>>Is $1000 really necessary for used rear speakers?<<

No, you can get used rear speakers for much less. I was estimating the price of the ALPHAS, since those are in the same family as the Caravelles.

>>Sorry if any of these are stupid questions<<

There are no stupid questions. I just wanted to get the ball rolling and I would rather start with a budget that is high and come in under it -- I always feel better that way. That's why I wrote that you can probably come in under that budget, but now you have a starting point.
Like I said, you like your 2 channel system, why change it??
just add a digital AV pre/pro (looped into an auxilary input on your existing 2 channel preamp(switch to that input for movies), and a subwoofer. You will keep the integrity of your 2 channel you like intact, and have added the HT part...simple really.
If you start over, you'll have a more difficult time "getting it all right" starting over. Plus, more complication, diffuculty in placing all the other speakers for good sound(even,matched sound, and balanced). You'll, in the end, just have "more speakers", not necessarily better.
Of course, I'm not sure what your speakers can do for movies. Some audiphile speakers are "too laid back" and uninvolving for movies. They don't jump out and grab you, but rather make you lean into the movie, and are distant sounding, not upfront and pressent!...this is critical for an effective movie mix...I don't care what any audiophile say''s booooooooring. (been there, done those...)
Still, I'D CHANGE ONLY ONE VARIABLE AT A TIME!!! This is the right way to do things. You go changing too many things at once and you don't know what you've got going!!!...or where the problems are.
good luck