You need to realize that putting a 10K amp on your processor is not only a mismatch but a waste of $. You won't be able to hear the improvement from the 10K amps: resolution, details, stage and macro/micro dynamics due to your Marantz preamp limitation. You can get say a $5K amp and spend the rest on a dedicated 2 channel preamp with HT bypass: JC-2, Ayre K5xe MP, etc... I had the Krell $8000 processor, known to be very good for 2 channel, and it sounds broken next to a $4000 dedicated 2 channel preamp.
My 20 years plus in this hobby has taught me that my system is only at its best when spending the most I can afford on a preamp.
My 20 years plus in this hobby has taught me that my system is only at its best when spending the most I can afford on a preamp.