Tube amplifier to power Sonus Faber speakers?

I recently purchased a new pair of Sonus Faber Olympica 3 speakers. They are 90DB and a 4 ohm load. I've always preferred tube amplification and am finding it a challenge to identify a good match for these speakers. I'm not a kt88 fanbut rather 300B or something of that ilk. I tried an 845 based amp but found it edgy and limited in power and dynamics. Any suggestions from Sonus Faber owners is most welcome.
BTW, i do not have good experience with the 845 amps...but edgy is not a word i would normally have associated with them...unless they are bring driven beyond the range where they are comfortable/linear.

That might be what is happening in that instance? Particularly if you felt it also lacked dynamics/power?
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I certainly relate to the preference for Tube amplifiers but you must have the proper speaker for a good match. Some speakers simply require SS based on their design load characteristics . The 300b is a wonderful tube but not with all speakers.
or you may try also KR Audio amplifiers....sort of half way between the tube and power of SS.