Can you recommend a simple Tube pre amp?

Greetings. I am looking for a simple tube pre amp. Do not need phono, tape loop, balance, treble/base, mute, loudness. Balanced connections would be nice but not required. Need just 3 inputs and 1 output. Would use this with a solid state amp in a multi zone system, so critical listening and sound stage presentation not so important. Tube warmth and detail, accuracy is important. Speakers only rated to 50 hz and will not be using a sub. Thank you for any suggestions. The tube world is so complicated with all of these niche players claiming the same thing.
I have been delighted with a BAT VK-3i for the last 15 years and it pretty much fits the bill you want. Total of four controls--power toggle, mute toggle, volume knob, source switch. Fully balanced circuitry. XLR and RCA inputs and outputs. Phono was an optional add-on, as was the remote. Built like a tank and you can tube roll. BAT provides amazing service and support too.
Quicksilver is outstanding gear. I have a ten year old preamp and never a glitch.
Problem is that you have not stated a budget. If between $1000-$1500 then then I +1 the Quicksilver. I own a Jolida Fusion and at $1300 I believe it would be hard to beat. If you have a greater budget the flood gates open. I am not sure what I would do if I had greater $$$ to spend on a tube pre, however tube pre it would be.
How about the Musica Bella line of preamps from Response Audio?

Bill Baker is a nice and knowledgeable guy to deal with.
FWIW we just introduced a new tube preamp that is a bit of a departure from our normal fare, called (for now) the Ultraviolet. Its available with or without phono.