So I plugged in my JOLIDA 302BRC yesterday and already It has an issue.
After singing sweetly for two minutes, one of the EL34 tubes imitated the sun and poof, the amp shut down.

Is it possible that one of the bias pots got out of whack during shipment?

Also, according to the manual, there is a stop point for the pots when turned in a counter clock fashion yet I was able to turn two pots several revolutions without reaching the stop point.


Bias way off should at most have a tube burning very brightly. I can't see a tube blowing so quickly from a high bias. Time to take it to a shop to check for a problem somewhere...
Thats why i use tube preamp and ss amp had many tube amps ARC CJ etc to many problems.Now using Pass 350.8 and love it great sound and built like a tank,