Dartzeel CTH 8550 experience

FWIW I foolishly sold the first one I purchased a few years ago always thinking more expensive separates would exceed the performance of this unit. After spending the ensuing few years trying to recapture and exceed the Dartzeel sound I have purchased another and am back to the magic. I have no idea how he does it but the designer truly achieves a sound that is uniquely detailed, smooth and immently musical. The components I tried to get beyond this level are some of the most praised gear in the audio world with a list price exceeding 28k for pre and amp. The owner and designer of this gear is a true prince of audio so I don't want to cite his name. His gear is famous for warmth and musicality at the top of the solid state heap but I never could get it right and it was simply too bright.
I know this is boring and of no interest to most people but my pleasure of turning on my system everyday now makes me want to share this experience. I have zero motive other than to perhaps remind audiophiles that although expensive(but not the most) Dartzeel is formidable.
I have been meaning to audition this component. Your post has inspired me!

"OP: I have no idea how he does it but the designer truly achieves a sound that is uniquely detailed, smooth and imminently musical"

I believe it may use the same "Pleasure Control" (volume control) as their flagship NHB-18NS $25k preamp below, which is an LED/LDR series shunt volume control which has no switches or contacts in the signal path, as all normal volume controls have.

"DartZeel NHB-18NS: A whole new volume control module, which completely avoids the use of any potentiometer, stepped attenuator or analog switch array in the signal path. The sound signal is attenuated in a fully passive way, using special analog optical couplers"

Cheers George
4425-Not boring at all. Passion is what drives the true audiophile NOT status!
Hmmm. I have one I was thinking of selling, maybe I need to hook it back up again and rethink things...