Setting up an audio system

I am a new member. I haven't listened to music in some time and am going to set up a system . I'm trying to balance price versus performance and I'm not sure if I've allocated properly. Currently what I've put together is B&W 802 D speakers , either a Cambridge Audio Azur 851 A or a Rogue Cronus magna amplifier , a Marantz CD 6005 CD player and a Audio Technica LP 120 vinyl player. Obviously the cost declines from speakers on down. My thoughts are that I can always upgrade the CD player and turntable later . I would appreciate the members advice about my choices and should I be considering other equipment . I understand now I need to actually audition the equipment. Thanks for your help.
Mikirob ;
Great philes think alike . I suggested , above , to put together a system with what he has and see how it works out !

Making2 ;
Another option is to go out and listen to all of the different systems that you can . Then , when you find one that pleases you and that you would spend money on , do it . Copy that system . And be nice , buy at least one piece from that vendor . I would suggest speakers as they are the most iffy to ship around the country .

Happy Tunes
Hi Saki70,
Yeah, getting old, my eye sight and reading comprehension is waning. Trust you are well. Happy listening!
Break into neighbors homes and give their systems a listen, as this is less annoying to intrepid audio salesmen.