ARC Galileo GSPre vs ARC Reference 5 SE ? ....

Has anyone compared these preamps? Which would you choose and why?
Hello Joenid-

I,too, would be interested in the comparison. In the past, I have spent much time w/ the ARC Ref3, Ref5 & Ref5 SE.
This is a serious pre-amp in terms of sound quality. It is going to be interesting to see/hear if the newest Galileo can beat it. Keep me posted & Happy Listening.
I've heard the Ref5 SE and loved it. A friend is head over heels with his Galileo gear and swears that it beats his previous Reference gear. As more gear gets out in the wild, we'll have a better handle on the sound. Exciting times.
Very nice! Joe-

in the systems that I auditioned, ARC Ref 75, Ref 150 and Bryston 3B-ST power amps were used on Wilson Sasha + Sophia loudspeakers. Cables/Power cords were Transparent OPUS line.

Personally, I enjoyed the ARC Ref5 SE w/ the Bryston 3B-ST power amp. Top to bottom, the very best sound for Rock and Jazz music. Keep me posted as you get the opportunity to demo the new Galileo gear. -JA