Dangit, These are good suggestions from the group. As Zd originally stated, you need to go out and listen to understand what sounds best to you. This is especially true with a somewhat limited budget.
Some like very efficient speakers driven by SET Amps, and others like powerful amps driving more inefficient speakers. Some people want the best natural mid range, sacrificing lower and even at times upper frequency extension. While, others want full range and are willing to sacrifice some mid range. Of course, if you have all the funds you need, you can most likely get it all with either approach. But, that's not the case here. Then there are those who swear by Vinyl, and others who don't want to be bothered by it. And, those who need both. If you choose one media format over another, you can save a lot of money.
When we start off, we may tend to misjudge what's important, because we don't have the exposure we need to identify what we like for the money we've got.
Go out to an Audio Show, and find gear for your budget. Pick the system that puts the biggest smile on your face, and keeps your feet tapping. Don't listen to the salesperson, listen to your ears.