Integrated Amps vs. Separates.

I'm curious what people think the better option is, integrated amp or seperates. It seems that integrated amps are a cost cutting measure, but do they also cut sonic quality? Assuming similiar price ranges, what would people here generally choose. Give me some examples/brands/models and comparisions from your experiences. Thnaks. Carter p.s. Is the Krell KAV 300i really the king of integrateds like many reviewers say (i.e not only better than all other integrated amps but better than most seperates)?
I was happy with my Sansui AU517 integrated for the 18 years I had it. There were space advantages and it had all the features I wanted. I actually miss it...but... I now have two systems. One is a Golden Tube SEP1-se preamp biamped with Adcom GFA54511 & GFA 535. This is the living room system. I also have a music room with Anthem Pre1l and Amp1 (both tubes). Being that the living room system is now for when we have company, or for TV, and is not where I do my serious listening, I too am thinking of getting an integrated. My top contenders are the Anthem Integrated 2 and the Bryston B60. Both can be used with extra power amps, or used as preamps. I really like the idea and sound of seperates, but in this case, I think an integrated will do well.
Brian, how many integrated did you audition, before choosing the ML 383? Was 383, that much better than the competition? Regards!
I was always a proponent of separates. However, I now am greatly enjoying an integrated. The benefits of separates have been mentioned, and I agree. But, let's consider the benefits of a great(not good) integrated. Cost, space, the removal of possible mismatch between pre and power amp(happens a lot more than we realize), the removal of the possible mismatch between the preamp/interconnect/power amp, and the fact you can spend twice as much on a power cord(since you're only buying one). In the Stereophile review of the ML 383, the company maintains the integrated is BETTER(at half the cost!) than their equivalent 380/334 combination, UNLESS a perfect interconnect match is used. So, right now, I think for the majority of us(who do not have a cost no object budget), one of the great new integrated is better.
If your budget is limited I would suggest you still go with seperates, but take advantage of some of the great buys to be found on sites such as Audiogon. There is some really wonderful used gear to be had for cheap that is no longer the latest and greatest, but was well reviewed and loved in the recent past, and let's face it, amps and preamps have not improved that much in the last 5 or even 8 years. Here are a couple of recommendations. I've seen Classe 70 amps on Audiogon for as little as $450. This amp was a steal at $1200 when it was new and very highly reviewed in The Absolute Sound. Great looks and build quality and a very sweet sounding amp that will drive all but the most demanding speakers to reasonable levels. I own two of these which I use in a surround system, but every once in a while I put one of them on my high end system (Aerial 10t's driven with a pair of BEL 1001 MK3a monos) and am amazed at how good they sound. Another great deal to be had is an Audio Research LS2 or LS2B preamp. These can be had for $7 or 800 in mint condition. I could give you many more examples, but you get the idea. I can just about guarantee these will well out-perform all but the most exotic integrated amps and at under $1500 that's hard to beat. And avoid the hype around cables. In the words of J. Gordon Holt they are just passive tone controls. Some of the older Monster Cable is quite cheap used and highly underrated. Enjoy!
Once again I am short on time. Eldragon, I tested no other integrated amps. I was using a Meridian 557 amp and 502 pre. A guy I know locally offered it to me used. I disagree with the statements that for the same price separates is the way to go. It would cost a company less to make a amp/preamp in one box (i.e. interagted) than to make them in two boxes at the same performance level If money is no object, clearly separates are the way to go. Why? Nobody makes a "cost no object" integrated. And if they did, I can't imagine the size of it. But, for the most of us, if there is a itegrated in our price range, I would think it would be worth a listen. Drawbacks are the obvious up-grade factor. The Plinius 8150 has gotten great reviews. At it's price point, $3000, my guess is it would be hard to beat with separates. I would say the same with the 383 I just bought, at $6000 I think it would be hard to beat. Again, go to the Web site I listed and just read the first few paragraphs and read the strong points for them and a list that Stereophile has tested lately, a list that is growing rapidly. The Absolute Sound is testing a host of them in their current issue.