Most musical stereo tube amp under 5K..

...monoblocks out of the question due to space/shelving considerations (has to be a single-chassis stereo tube amp). Also, must be able to drive inefficient speakers (Totem Mani-2: 85db; 4 ohms).

I am looking at a VTL ST-150 for ~ $2,300 used right now. (only problem is no balanced inputs). Any other ideas?? (VTL deal must be decided on in next 48 hours). Thanks!
Wow- I can't believe my thread from 13 years ago has been revived!! Amazing when I think about all the amps I have been through since originally posting this...
02-28-14: Sonicear writes
My source is usually Utube videos thorugh Dacmagic plus or Sirius radio from satellite dish.
Those sources may limit the overall fidelity you can achieve.

Sutts, "Amazing when I think about all the amps I have been through since originally posting this..."

Haha, me too! Funny, I began talking about Jadis and Quicksilver, and after more tube amps than one would would believe, that's (and Dynaco) where I ended up. Same thing with speakers, after having more loudspeakers than any wife could bear, I wound up with mid-1990s Fried and Quad ESL57 - two speakers that make music and get the tonality right. There are a lot of outrageously expensive loudspeakers on the market today, but so very, very few actually sound good.