I am with Asa on this one. Who wears the pants in the family, you or her??? I'm not trying to tell you what to do and so forth. All I am making here is a suggestion. And that suggestion would be to go ahead and divorce the wifey and then get yourself a girlfriend who is as much into audio equipment and music as you are. If you do that, believe brother........... you won't be sorry.
Hang tough man, you'll be alright.
I am with Asa on this one. Who wears the pants in the family, you or her??? I'm not trying to tell you what to do and so forth. All I am making here is a suggestion. And that suggestion would be to go ahead and divorce the wifey and then get yourself a girlfriend who is as much into audio equipment and music as you are. If you do that, believe brother........... you won't be sorry.
Hang tough man, you'll be alright.