How many Maggie owners have special stands?

I have recently put cinder blocks and top of my Maggie stands and am amazed at the improvement. The midrange became the main focus of the sound (not the bass) and the speakers came alive in the midrange in a way that I could not achieve with amps or wire.

I want to take my stands to the extreme now and make them absolutely rigid.

My questions are:

What is everyone else doing and how does it affect the sound?

Has anyone run posts from the floor to the ceiling and attached the speakers to them?

Maybe the second question is not necessary but you get the idea, I am convinced this is the kind of improvment Maggie owners want, more 'snap' and micro dynamics is what I hear.

Philjolet, Grant Vander Mye developed a clamp for the edge of the maggies or the option of using the stile screws to attach the struts to pre-existing holes with the 3.6. For the 1.6 there is an edge clamp which is shown on the website.
Magnepan stands
I've had Maggies for years. The MG-IIIA's I'm running now I've had for almost 3 years. I'd been considering new speakers. Verity, Dunlavy, or Von Schwiekert. As always money was tight so instead of new speakers I called Grant and ordered some Mye Sound stands about a month ago. I'm sure glad I did. I saved a ton of money and got the Maggie sound I was after. Bass is deeper and hits harder. Mid's are smooter and the soundstage locked down like I didnt believe possible.

Sorry Phasecorrect, but you are incorrect. The stands are a very worthwhile upgrade. I think Magnepan would endorse them if they werent designing to a price point. All it takes is a quick listen. You will be very pleasantly surprised. I was!
