Which speaker is the master of IMAGING ????

My jaw has only dropped with one system. I was at the Home Entertainment Show in NYC last summer when I was floored. It was the Legend Audio 'The Legend' speakers powered by Legend Audio Nirvana 100 watt Tubed Monoblocks.

OH MY GOD! Till this day, I get chills just thinking about the experience. It was like there was an entire stage filled with people and instruments right in front of me. The best part was when I took my eyes off of this stage to look at the speakers,,,,,,,,,,,,YOU WOULD SWEAR THAT THEY WEREN'T EVEN ON. I have heard other speakers that have exceptional qualities in other areas but I haven't imaging like that since that day.

Any other great imaging speakers out there?
I was really floored the first time I heard a pair of Vandersteen 2CE Sigs. I actually kept looking around the room to "find" the other speakers. I have heard speakers that were bigger and more expensive, but I still have not had the same "in-your-gut" response that I had from them.
The best imaging I've ever heard comes from single-driver speaker systems. The true point-source radiation is a key factor, in my opinion, combined with the lack of passive crossover problems. However, single-driver systems have a limitation in low bass response, rolling off at about 40Hz on the bottom end.
I agree with Sean about Focal drivers. Another excellent adaptation of these drivers is the Rosinante Dulcinea speaker. A 2-way stand-mounted monitor that does it all, with the exception of very low bass. Still, in the right room they can go down to 35hz. They're not picky about set-up and at 91dB efficiency can be driven with a low-powered amp. I use a 13 watt Art Audio Diavolo SET amp in a 20' x 23' room and only have to turn the volume to the 9:00 position.

These are hand-built by Ric Cummins, the inventor of the Argent Room Lens. They are hard to come by on the used market since those who own them tend to hold on to them they're so good. You can take a look at them on the Rosinante website at www.roomlens.com. I don't work for Ric, just love his speakers and cables!
Spica TC50 and Quads have superb imaging. Also, I've heard a few single driver (Jordan, Fostex, and Lowther) speakers with great imaging too. Single driver speakers usually have more precise imaging, depending on size and execution. As a general rule, small 2-way and smaller single driver speakers have better "imaging" than larger multiple driver speakers.

Furthermore, I've never heard a speaker with 3 or more drivers produce imaging that was convincing. They all seem to distort scale and proportion, albeit while playing louder over a greater range.