Which speaker is the master of IMAGING ????

My jaw has only dropped with one system. I was at the Home Entertainment Show in NYC last summer when I was floored. It was the Legend Audio 'The Legend' speakers powered by Legend Audio Nirvana 100 watt Tubed Monoblocks.

OH MY GOD! Till this day, I get chills just thinking about the experience. It was like there was an entire stage filled with people and instruments right in front of me. The best part was when I took my eyes off of this stage to look at the speakers,,,,,,,,,,,,YOU WOULD SWEAR THAT THEY WEREN'T EVEN ON. I have heard other speakers that have exceptional qualities in other areas but I haven't imaging like that since that day.

Any other great imaging speakers out there?
spica tc50, tc60, angeles
celestion 600, 700(700se are pretty amazing)
audiostatic esl
magnapan older ribbons, and 1.6
audiophysic virgo & libra(current speaker)
joesph audio pearl
alon proteaus
The Hill Plasmatronic - I've been around this business for 25 years & seen most of them. The Hill is not around anymore, except used. It uses a plasma gas chamber, modulated by the audio signal as the radiating source - almost zero moving mass - driven by its own tube amp. The staging and focalization is without peer. Musicality is like triodes extended into speakers. It's meant to be used with a subwoofer, but coned units, except for Shahinians, are just not fast enough. Any Dayton Wrights still around - their perfect. But what to get for the crossover - only two choices - the older Shahinian and Audio Research units. They are the only units to have the transparency adequate to the Hill's.
Dayton Wright's revisited. Hey Rasdc.I am currently restoring a pair of xg-8's. Perfect???? nothing is perfect but the Wright's were miles ahead of anything in their day. Unfortunately at that time,very few amplifiers were capable of driving them so few of us ever "really" got to hear them set up properly.
The best I've heard are also the ones I now own and have reviewed right here on A'gon: Intuitive Design Summit PSL 624 loudspeakers. (PSL = Pitcher Sound Labs). Astonishing imaging, in a wonderful way, and that's with a behemoth "entertainment" center positioned right between the two speakers. It's as if the entertainment center didn't even exist. They have it all, and in spades: Height, Width, Depth, AND a wiiiiiiide sweet spot. Phenomenal off axis dispersion with no discernible loss in precision of the imaging. I'm awestruck, but as you can see, not dumbstruck. :)))

Sooner or later, people will start to figure out how great these are, assuming they get a chance to listen to them.

Nope, I don't sell them. It's just wonderful to finally be satisfied with my speakers, and not have had to mortgage the house (again) to get to that point.
Acapella Violins - the only speakers I've heard where I believed I could touch the musicians. That said, the guy had also spent a fortune on some very special (possibly weird) room treatments - lumps of ebony on bird perchs - we did mess with them, and they did make a difference!

Just my 2p :0)