Jadis Eurythmie - Anyone ever listen to them?

Has anyone ever had the chance to own or spend time listening to Jadis Eurythmie speakers? Any thoughts/opinions? All commentary appreciated. Thanks, Travis
Tabl10s says...
"If they were female, you'd be sitting in a room with a big ugly chick with a nice personality..."

Some would say twins... a pair of voluptuous twins with really nice honkers... :^)

I'd say that it depends on what you like. I happen to like the looks - much better than a pair of clunky-looking boxes...
Personally,I think they are truly wonderful,and unique looking.I don't think the guy who owns a ROLLS ROYCE SILVER SHADOW,circa 1989 or abouts,or a 1998 Leica Rangefinder is too worried about it's classic looks,Same here,IMO!
Hi to all of you.

This is my first posting to this thread and I am happy to find that somewhere in the world there is anybody else with my same feelings.
I have a couple of martin logan cls ii z e (special edition for the 20th anniversary of cls) coupled with two ENTEC-SW1 sub.

Now, I am happy with my speakers but I got access to a couple of jadis eurythmie by chance. They look like an incredibile piece of art and their sound seem to be at least as good as my martin logan (i am not yet sure they are better), but they are by far easier to manage (my m.l. are 82 db sensitivity) less problematic to maintain (no issues with the panels).

The deal means I should give back all my speakers set (including sub) and add something like 10 k€ (13k USD).
Do you think I am crazy or that it worth the story?
I am getting mad with it.
What you get with the Eurythmie:
1) Completely different sound reproduction than panels.
2) A feeling of live concert dynamics (they're horns after all)
3) A somewhat euphonic sound (slightly pronounced lower mids)
4) OK restitution of upper mids (cymbals, for example)
5) A very expensive pair of unusual looking speakers (Euro 10k is a lot of money)

6) You would probably get better results (at least) biamping them, i.e. driving the bass box separately:

Think of ultimate limitation of a single amplifier called upon to work from DC to daylight and, accordingly, drive a loudspeaker that's also supposed to produce music in a homogeneous manner from DC to daylight... a 3-way horn + connected isobaric bass module, no less!

The sound is very different than yr panels. Better or not, can be more personal than objective. I prefer well implemented horns to well implemented panels -- but there seem to be many well implemented panels -- but few well implemented horns.