Best affordable amp for Thiel CS3.6

I have a pair of CS3.6's, which I am currently driving with a pair of Adcom GFA-555II's in bridged mono mode. While I am fairly happy with this setup, I realize that the Adcoms may not be in the same league as the Thiels. Any suggestions as to what amps mate well with the CS3.6's? Ideally, I'd love to find an amp (or two, if mono) for under $2,000, but if it's worthwhile, I may go higher. Obviously, if there is a great option out there for less money, I'd be even more interested. Used gear is fine with me, if it is quality gear. I am also considering modding my Adcoms to smooth out the mids/highs and add a little support in the low end.

Another consideration is that I am currently using an Adcom GFA-2535 for my center channel (Thiel SCS3) and surrounds (AR TSW-110), and since it is nice to have matching amps for HT, I'd probably have to add an additional amp or two (eventually).

My sources are currently a Denon DCM-460 and a JVC SA-600, but these are likely to be upgraded in the relatively near future. Both are sending digital outs to my Rotel RSP-1066, which handles the processing.

Thanks for any input/advice.

Tom, I haven't actualy heard them, but, considering the pedigrees and history with Thiel, you migh want to consider Threshold and Coda.
Well, I did get the chance to audition my 3.6's with a couple of amps yesterday. My first thoughts were amazement at just how well the CS3.6's can sound! :^) In addition to listening to one of my GFA-555II's, I auditioned McCormack DNA-225, Theta Enterprise monoblocks, Theta Intrepid, and EDGE NL-10. The DNA-225 quickly dropped out of the running. It's tonal balance was fine, and its low end control was very good, but it seemed to fall on its face in the imaging and depth/width of soundstage. In truth, the 555II noticeably exceeded the DNA-225 in all of these regards (which shocked me), although the Adcom was otherwise clearly outclassed by the McCormack. The Theta Enterprises sounded absolutely marvelous. Great tonal balance, and a level of detail, imaging and soundstage that blew me away, with controlled, natural low end, and a bit of a high end sheen. Very musical for a solid state amp. The Enterprises really showed me what the Thiels could do. Ideally, I wanted to hear a Dreadnaught II with the 3.6's, but all they had was an Intrepid. Talk about an eye-opener! That 5-channel, 100 watt amp has no right to sound as good as it does with those 3.6's! Especially considering the price. It most definitely captures the "Theta sound", and while it lacked the level of detail, separation, and depth of soundstage that the Enterprises offer, its tonal balance, width of soundstage, and low end performance were remarkably similar to the much costlier monoblocks.

At a different location, I had an opportunity to audition the EDGE NL-10. This is a very fast, neutral amp. It pushed the 3.6's with ease, and really brought out the best of their dynamic ability. Given that I was in very different rooms, with vastly different associated gear, it was difficult to really compare the NL-10 to the Enterprises, but I can definitely say that they are in the same league. Both made my Thiels do things that I had never heard before. If I had to try to articulate a comparison, and considering all of the other variables, I'd say that the NL-10 was noticeably faster, and had extreme dynamic control, and was quite possibly more neutral, but the Enterprises were more sweet and musical, and had perhaps a bit more low end fullness.

While I haven't completely ruled out EDGE, I am thinking of using the Intrepid for my center and surrounds, and either getting a 2-channel Dreadaught II or the Enterprises for my 3.6's. Yes, going the Enterprise route pretty much blows my "affordable" thing, but they really did make those Thiels sing.

BTW, in case anyone is following this anymore, I ended up with a pair of Enterprises in addition to the Intrepid. All I can say is, "Wow!" I did get a chance to audition the Edge NL-10 in my home, and it doesn't come close to matching the open, spacious feel of the Enterprises, nor does it sound as musical. It is a bit analytical by comparison. I'd say the NL-10 is indeed slightly faster, but the difference here was nowhere near as big as the advantage to the Thetas in soundstage and imaging.

Now, to upgrade pre/pro and source components!

Thanks again to all who helped me with this decision making process. You folks really were very helpful.

I am wondering at what point you decided to up the anty from your original goal of around $2000.00 for an amplifier?!?

Unless I am mistaken didn't you end up spending three times that much or so?
I also am curious at what price level did the performance inmprovement really hit you.

Congatulations also.

Yes, indeed, my budget theory got shot through the roof! ;^) What did it for me was auditioning amps. I had my old Adcom GFA-555II with me for a reference, and what I found was that stepping up to a $2,000-3,000 amp had some benefits, but still, there were some things that the old Adcom did better than these amps. Once I heard the Enterprises, though, the difference was shocking. Not to name names, but compared to another manufacturer's $3,000.00 amp, they beat it in every category, and significantly blew it's doors off in imaging and soundstage (which are important to me). Then, I did a head to head, in my home comparison versus a modded Edge NL-10 (retail of over $12,000), and the Enterprises also beat them handily (to my ears, at least).

I think that once I heard just how good my 3.6's can sound with excellent amplification, I didn't want to go back to anything else. That, and an unexpected inflow of cash helped out. :^)

FWIW, my favorite amp at close to the $2,000 mark was actually the Theta Intrepid driving just the Thiels. That "little" Intrepid just amazes me. It doesn't have the depth of soundstage, or the detail of the Enterprises, but it is very balanced, quite capable in the lows, and has very good width of soundstage.
