under $300 bookshelfs: does excitement exist?

sub sidized of course.
thanks for all the feed back, the collective knowledge of y'all is awesome. "truly curious" was just an expression to convey that i wasn't making any judgement on the answers but had reservations about purchasing items at a place such as best buy. i had come across the athena line in print, saw they were from best buy and dismissed them. i was under the impression(foolishly i gather now)that one couldn't get good get good gear from there. you guys are great. thanks again. oh, and i am running klipsch sf-1's and a $500 onkyo. simple, inexpensive, but pretty good. i was looking to do something a little different with the books and sub. one last, of course you can call me dylan.
John, I'm almost positive that Athena speakers are produced by Audio Products International Group in Canada. If memory serves, Athena is the new renamed Sound Dynamics. API produces several different speaker lines. One of them includes Energy. I forget the other brand.

Before purchasing my Energy Veritas 2.2s. I had several different conversations with one of the design engineers at API. These boys are VERY serious about their products, and really know their shit. Needless to say, theoretical design criteria, no matter how well thought out, may not necessarily create a good sounding product. But these guys spent over 2 years, non stop, developing the Veritas line.

They subjected these speakers to every possible modification and design change imaginable. Countless hours were spent in many different listening environments tweaking and adjusting. It Shows.

If you get the chance, click on my system. I am using some pretty nice gear. The usual reponse I get from people..... Geez, why are you using Energy speakers? I have learned to not be a "Name Brand Nancy". I let my ears tell me the truth. And I am a music FREAK. And have been all of my life.

I've learned.... GET PAST THE NAME BRAND and listen to the MUSIC. If YBA or Audiomeca started selling their gear in let's say, Best Buy, would it change the design and engineering that went into the product?

I still scratch my head and try to figure out why my RTS-3s sound so damn good @ $200.00 a pair. But ultimately? Who cares!

It's nice to know someone else has ignored the name and instead, is listening to the music.

Happy listening.
I'm with Buscis2. Find yourself some pre-owned Sound Dynamics RTS-3's. Get 4 of them, set your processor to phantom center (no center channel speaker), put a sub in for the movie Boom-Boom, and not only will you have a competent movie rig, it makes for some really good casual listening as well. the RTS-3 is a great little product. It is at its's best if you can put them on good stands, and get them out away from the rear wall. We have them set up in our family room for HT in less than optimal conditions and we are quite happy with them. I have used them a lot for 2 channel listening too. They do turn up from time to time here, but get bought up pretty fast.
Dylan, what a coincidence! I had bought a pair of the same series Klipsches as you are running now (I think the "2"s or "3"s) to test out this whole low-powered tube thing (didn't want to jump in and spend loads of dosh). I have to say that while my heart went out to the Sound Dynamics, I went with my head and so bought the Klipsches. I was never really satisfied with these, though they were good for the money, and I bought a pair of the Sound Dynamics, which I just loved every time I heard them (not for "audiophile" reasons). The Athena Technologies actually go louder than the Klipsches for a given volume, time much better, and are superior in every way. Look forward to an upgrade if you get them. But what I find amazing is that magic sound they have. Personally I no longer believe in the concept of "neutral" which I now think is a coloration (essentially a stripping away of the music from the sounds). If you're going to live with colorations (which will always exist given physical limitations), might as well make them musically-appealing colorations! And besides, the Sound Dynamics did respond to tweaking, and did dazzle me with the usual audiophile crap (for the price).
I was impressed when I auditioned the Monitor Audio Bronze-B1's (about $300 retail). There's a comparison test of several bookshelf speakers at http://www.monitoraudiousa.com/reviews/soundandvision.html (although Athena's are not in the review). The MABs did well.

I ended up buying Wharfedale Diamond 8.2 Anniversary Editions. Truth be told, I haven't used 'em for two channel - although the 8.1's I've heard were pretty damned good, but they're good as HT rears.