This is probably a bit late to have any effect on your speaker purchase but I'll comment anyway. A couple months ago I heard the SP Continuum 2.0 design and was absolutely floored by the sound. Imaging was spotless, instrumental attack was extremely powerful and accurate, on and off axis they rocked....I should add that the listening room was far from ideal and the speakers were being driven with a 60w Belles amp, nice but these speakers could probably shine even better with a bit more power. I did pick up on a tiny bit of brightness in the tweeter but I was listening to the 2.0 version which is now dated. The 2.1 version is supposed to be apples to oranges....but I cannot comment since I've yet to hear them.
I'm not very versed on horns or 'waveguides' or escoteric baffle designs but when I went into the listening session I really expected to hear evidence of this type of baffle design, some sort of faint cupped-hand sound or something but there was nothing I could pick out. Maybe it was the horn/waveguide that made them sound so good or maybe it was some kind of vodoo that the SP Tech guys put on their speakers (wish they would put a little of it on mine). If you have not heard a pair of these you might want to check them out.