best shippers?

trying to arrange shipment of revel speakers
any experience with freight carriers who do a good job??

I second Mwilsons comment...I've never recieved anything damaged from UPS or Fed Ex, but they were small items and packed well...I think that the packing job is just as important as the shipper...but If I buy something big & valuable, I just hope it's from somewhere either conveniently close, or somewhere I want to visit cause it'll be road trip time.

just my 2c

Have shipped several pairs of Magnepan loudspeakers via BAXGlobal without any problems.
I use FedEx exclusively, with zero damage claims in three years after UPS dishonored two high value claims.
Their website is a navigational breeze as well. Big, heavy stuff: BAX and Foward Air are best in my [limited] experience.

Lots of differing opinions on Revels...
thanks everyone

went with bax global excellent experience

recommend to anyone looking to ship fragile, heavy speakers, etc
I'm trying to get large ATC speakers (370 lbs, one palleted crate, 2 smaller boxes @ 40lbs each for stands) shipped from the seller's mini storage site in Oregon to me in N. Ohio. Local BAX says they need to be from a business (i.e where I bought them from....?) which is weird considering all the great BAX references above, assume they are all used speaker war stories (this is Audiogon). Any advise? Thx
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