GMA Callisto feedback Green Mountain Audio

Anyone else breaking in a pair of these speakers? I have a pair with about 24 hours on them, and I hear moments of spectacular sound, but not yet at low listening levels. I know 200 hours is the magic break-in time period.

See my system under "Leahy" listed under "evolving system" for other system details.

Let me know if you would like updates as these break in...
Damn it, I may have to upgrade! I agree that the Europa gets better and better as you go along. I have had them for a year and a half now (how many hours?) and I find day to day that I didn't hear that, or this is smoother etc. I have owned Maggies in the past and they were my other choice but due to room size I picked the Europas. I will say that I am amazed that these "box" speakers can have such an open spacious and lively sound.
Watch out guys. You don't want to get branded as "Hypers".
Winegasman, did you own the Europas before you bought the Callistos? If so do you think they are a lot better than the Europas? GMA thought they were something like 500% better than the Europas.
I had loaner Europas that I listened to briefly, waiting for Callistos to arrive. The Europas weren't broken in, so I'm not sure comparison is fair, but it seems to me that the Callistos have a much better bottom end, more assured and with much lower reach. Mids and highs on the Callistos seem more present and lifelike. These speakers are just amazingly musical. They make it seem easy. Oh, and the crossover and time alignment provide for great pacing! Finally, I will say that these speakers look much better than the Europas -- I've actually gotten positive WAF on their looks, unlike the Europas. Sure they look a bit like a thumb, but as I told Roy J., it's a beautiful thumb.
I have a new pair of Callisto's with about 80 hrs on them. I let mine play continuously for a couple of days with different types of music before I gave them any critical listening. I cannot say enough about the MUSIC these speakers make. My room is small, 13x15x9.5 and I have brought out cd's I haven't listened to for years. I never heard all the music before or known the artist to sound so good. I now marvel in their talents and Roy Johnson is a genius. The break in period is very short to achieve great sound, but they get better every time I listen to the Callisto's. As far as low level listening, I have found with most speakers, wire and tubes will change the sound. Low level listening in my situation has been extremely satisfying and this is with 15 watts of tube power. Best speakers I heard at the Denver Audio Fest.