Anyone Using Gradient Loudspeaker?

Moving to new house and I'm looking for a speaker that will work in a small to mid sized room near the rear wall. The Gradient line seems to fit the bill. I've only seen a few magazine reviews (all quite positive) and I'd like to get some comments from actual users.

I have only a brief encounter with the Gradient Revolution at this years CES. The speakers were set up in a small room, not very far from the wall. Given the limitations of show conditions, I thought this was one of the best speakers at anything near its price range -- smooth, delicate sounding, airy and free of gross coloration. They were being played at modest sound levels, so I don't know if they would suit head-bangers.

I personally don't put much value in what components look like, but if looks matter, this is a quite pretty, compact and easy-to-integrate-into-the-decor speaker.

One other thing of note: The speaker was being demoed using the Rives PARC bass equalization system. I don't know how it would sound on its own.
I recently acquired Gradient Revolution speakers on the basis of the recommnedation by an audiophile frind who had heard them at an audio show. I am extremly happy with them though they need more power than my Naim Nap 250. These speakers clear, clean, fast with great resoulation - they throw a good sound stage even with Naim elctronics. I am not sure of all the technical reasons but they are easy to place in the room as they are contructed in two separate parts - and the baffle can rotated to accomdate the room effect to improve the low frequncy response. I would recommend that you have a look at the Gradient site which provies more information. My room size is about 15X 19.
It took me a few years, but I finally got a pair of Gradient Revolutions. I love them. As far as I can tell they have no significant failings and most importantly they work in my overly squarish room. The bass definition and tonality is the best I've ever heard in any system I've ever had in any room. The coaxial midrange/tweeter design interacts minimally with the room and provides excellent imaging and soundstaging. The only downside is their low sensitivity. I'm using a Rowland 112 which is rated at 275 watts into the speaker's 4 ohm load and that's more than enough for the typical listening levels I enjoy (80db to low 90db). What's missing is a sense of near unlimited dynamic range higher sensitivity designs can provide.

The Revolution is a really good sounding speaker designed to sound really good in real world rooms.
Another speaker you may want to consider is the Morrison, either the model 23 or the 17. I have listened to the Gradients and the Morrisons (although not in the same room) and they both do very well near the wall. The Morrisons are also about the best imaging speaker I have heard and they are a somewhat easier to drive than the Gradients. Here are a couple of links to info:
Hi Onhwy61:
Congratulations on your adquisition of the Gradients; I,m also a happy owner of the revolution,s and I can tell you that the more i hear other speakers the less i wan,t to switch to any of them. I,m also considering a more powerful amp as my Bryston 3bst only gives 120 watts p/ch. Since you already own Rowland, have you considered the 201 monos?
Regards, Carlos.