Schweikert VR4-Jr vs. Gallo Reference 3 with SA

Good Day All,

I have read a number of post with regard to these two speakers, but many are fairly old and before the Gallo's were even officially released. I am now trying to get as much input as possible on comparing these. Please not that it is between the VR4-Jr and the Gallo Reference 3 WITH THE SUBWOOFER AMP. Without considering the price difference ($4000 for VR4-Jr vs $3400 for Ref 3 and SA) and without alternative suggestions, would anyone who has been able to listen to these two please post their opinions, comments, experiences etc.

With Thanks and Regards,
On my system page, there's a picture of the silver 3's with the maple base. Away from home right now, so I can't take detailed photos of the spade size, but I hooked up my Nordost SPM's with no problem.

Can't wait to talk to my dealer about the SA....
I have factory terminated spades... but I don't know how Nordost terminates them.
There's a new review from here on the jr's:
Review pretty much says it all.....
I haven't heard another speaker near it's price point that can better the "Jay-Rs" top to bottom. Some have a better top end (Gallo Ref3 come to mind), but the JRs mid-range & bass performance is second to none, again near it's price point.
The only speaker that I've heard recently that can better the JRs overall performance are the VMPS RM-40s "Brian Cheney Edition" and possibly the new RM-30s.
But considering the JRs size, price, easy placement due to their front firing drivers and port, interesting design, driving ease (tube friendly), and killer looks (for a box speaker) they should be heard by anyone auditioning speakers up to twice + their price.
Me thinks.....