Speaker repair-need help

Anybody know of a top notch speaker repair facility that's not afraid to get their hands dirty with a major project? I've already contacted a few such places that i know of and they are either "afraid" of what i want done and / or supposedly don't have the time to do it regardless of how much money they can make on the deal. I am in a jam and need help pronto, so any and all help appreciated. Sean

PS... If you can, please provide some way for me to contact the party that you recommend. A link to a website, phone number and / or address would be great.
Mechans: Bill has done this very job many times before from what he told me. As such, it is nothing new to him or too complicated to handle. He simply can't dedicate the amount of necessary time to do the job now. If he were to do that, he would end up loosing money and alienating other customers, which he won't do because he's a good businessman.

Other than that, Ohm doesn't work on these speakers and hasn't done so for several years now. As it is, i wouldn't want to use the stock parts after having talked to Bill and knowing what i do now.

Woodman: I'll try giving them a call in the morning and feel them out. Thanks for the info.

As a side note, i pulled apart a set of Polk 10's that i had sitting in my basement last night. The mid-woofers had previously been replaced with newer, higher grade drivers by my Brother. One of the binding posts had broken off, so i repaired that problem. While i had the one apart, i decided to rewire the cabinet. I replaced the stock tweeter wiring with 22 gauge Silver / Teflon twisted pair conductors. The mid-woofers, which were originally wired "daisy chain" fashion with something like 18 gauge or so, each received their own 12 gauge Silver / Teflon twisted pair feedlines. I used Cardas solder on all connections.

After firing them up, i was expecting to be killed by the typically bright sound of fresh Silver cabling, but i was pleasantly surprised. The sound was actually much smoother than anticipated. Bass was drastically improved in terms of attack, definition and over-all tightness i.e. much less overhang. Bass had surprising "slam" for having only two 6.5" mid-woofers with a 10" passive per cabinet. Then again, the lack of overhang and improved impact may have to do with the rest of the system. Given that i've never had the Polks hooked up to a true voltage source that can easily deliver 1200+ wpc into their 4 ohm load, the sheer "gripping power" of this type of amp may have something to do with this also.

The warmth region now sounds much cleaner, but is a little lean sounding. This is something i've noticed on previous re-wiring jobs i.e. the sound tends to fill out a bit as the wiring / connections settle in. I know that some folks may have a hard time believing something like this, and i did too at first, but i've almost come to expect this now.

The treble response took a change for the better too. Overall, it sounds noticeably cleaner. On one disc that i listened to, the drummer kept striking the "bell" ( center dome ) of a cymbal repeatedly. Quite honestly, i was amazed at how sharp, clean and "real" this sounded. Then he started wailing on the cymbals and everything went back to the old Polk treble that i was used to, but not quite as bad. That is, the treble was smeared and lacking definition. My guess is that individual cymbal strikes are handled reasonably well by the tweeter, but it just doesn't have the transient response to keep up with high intensity rapid fire reproduction of multiple signals all at once.

For now, these will have to suffice for the mains in my HT system. This may give me some added incentive to get busy on the original speakers i had in that system. Not only did i pull them apart to do some more work on them, i also lent out the matching rears that i had for that system. I'm rebuilding some speakers for a friend, so i gave him the towers that i was using as rears to use until i could get his speakers done. As such, my HT system is a real hodge-podge of mix-n-match speaker brands and designs. Sean

Sean, during a conversation with Bill yesterday, we discussed your plight.

He said you were an incredibly nice individual(which I told him - he didn't know you and I were friends), and hoped that he was able to steer you in the right direction. He gave me so much information on how to rebuild the speakers that after a while, my head was spinning.

In his opinion, these are perhaps the finest speakers ever designed from a conceptual perspective. However, there have never been a pair from the factory that were assembled correctly. They are, in essence, broken from the day they are made.

That being said, with his pointers, which made a lot of sense to me, most of the flaws can be corrected, and the dream of this concept seems to have the potential to be realized. Again, he feels they are probably the BEST speakers ever made - at least once his modifications are implemented.

Sadly, Bill doesn't really tackle audiophile's projects anymore. He will do the occasional side job for someone close to him (what he did to my Coincidents was astounding). He really only wants to rebuild drivers, though the Ohms aren't something he'll get involved with anymore. He does have his own pair, which he told me he keeps putting off.

Inevitably, being around him enough shows you the greatness of the man. The MOST costly and/or highly regarded designs of the so - called experts usually have such flaws that he almost cries. His gift lies in taking a look and listen to the speaker and figuring out exactly what is wrong, and correcting these issues in shockingly simple and CHEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP ways. I honestly believe that he does more to improve a loudspeaker with $10 than most any manufacturer's $1000 upgrade. I have just seen it time and time and time again. I wish that more people were able to see the magic this man's soul possesses, manifested to us through his mind and hands.

I am sure your conversation with him left you a lot better able to attack this job than you were before. Hopefully, it will turn out great!
Joe: When i was talking to Bill, i was going to mention your name, but i ended up getting sidetracked with the conversation that we were having. Needless to say, i was glad to have found someone that shared my love of this speaker and the specific design & performance attributes that it brings with it. This is especially true given Bill's level of exposure and experience with hundreds upon hundreds of various drivers and loudspeaker designs.

As you mentioned, Bill is very high on these speakers as they are from the factory, even though they could have been done better. He also mentioned to me that they are unrivaled once fully modified in the manner that he discussed. As i've mentioned in some other threads, these speakers, even with the less than optimum assembly from the factory, do some things so well that i will never part with mine. While they do have their shortcomings, Bill seems to think that his modifications fully address those problems. After discussing things with him, i can see how / why these problems / design shortcomings come about and how easy they would be to correct. I now realize how much better they may be after performing such mods to them.

Having said that, i've come up with a few design innovations that take his tweeks a bit further. The nice thing is that they involve the same amount of work, so they wouldn't be any tougher to impliment. Given that i'll probably end up rebuilding these drivers myself, i'm going to incorporate these ideas into the rebuild and see how it goes. My thoughts are that Bill's suggestions should improve performance quite drastically with my revisions simply adding a hair more icing to the cake.

Quite honestly, i've very seriously thought about producing a speaker similar to these, but made in a much more modern design. I've gone over a million different electro-mechanical design revisions in my head and keep coming back to one specific concept. This is all still in my head though, so maybe i'll be able to try out some of these ideas on my F drivers if / when i get around to rebuilding them.

At the same time that all of this is going on, my Brother is currently trying to build a prototype of a driver that he designed. I've tried to get him to work with me on the design of the driver that i have in my head, but he's got his mind on his own projects. While he is interested in the design that i came up with and would like to tinker with it, he wants to build his design first. His design is both easier and more conventional in operation than what i want to do. If he can get it to work as he thinks it will, that technology could be applied to my design too. Having said that, there's not a driver made that operates like what he has in mind, so even it is not exactly a "normal" dynamic driver. This driver should offer a phenomenal amount of control, transient capabilities and excursion capacity without generating near as much reflected EMF or impedance variations. Coupling those qualities with a Walsh based full-range omni-directional driver could prove to be a great thing. Needless to say, this is all a pipe dream at this stage of the game : ) Sean
Sean...Why the tease? You have told us that the Walsh driver has all these faults, and you have ways to fix them, but we have not the slightest idea what you are talking about. Quite frustrating to your readers.
El: As i mentioned, i've actually contemplated building and marketing such a design from the ground up. I've been thinking about this for quite some time, but it is probably "just a thought". Either way, i've bitten my tongue in this area on purpose, at least publicly, for this reason. I have worked with a few people privately in terms of performing simple tweaks to their F's, which can noticeably improve the performance of this speaker system.

There is another factor involved here though. There were several different production changes to this driver while it was alive. As such, they vary in performance and what needs to be addressed. Without really looking at the drivers, cabinets and damping materials themselves, it is pretty hard to give vague and generic advice.

Much of this is why Bill at Millersound doesn't want to take on these types of projects anymore. He told me that due to production tolerances and differences, it may take him up to 3 complete assemblies & dis-assemblies to get the driver where he wants it to be. Given that this is a VERY difficult driver to work with in the first place, we are talking about a massive amount of time & labour. This is one of the reasons why he considers the drivers to be "broken from the factory".

For those that are interested, I will say that these speakers benefit massively from bypassing the internal factory wiring. The effects of this are NOT subtle to say the least. Altering the type / density / placement of damping material within the cabinet can also make a big difference, improving the transient response and damping characteristics of the driver. How much material and what to use will vary depending on the individual characteristics of the driver being used.

The Walsh's will also benefit from damping the frame rails and motor structure as they are modulated by the motion and the output of the cone. This is not to mention the diffraction that takes place due to having the frame rails in close proximity to the source of radiation. I've devised a much better way to get around this, but i can't impliment it without building a driver from scratch.

As far as modifications go, the really tough stuff comes down to altering the mechanical design of the driver itself. I can see dozens of ways to improve this, which should be obvious to those familiar with speaker design. Then again, most of these involved gutting the driver and almost starting over from scratch. Starting completely from scratch would actually be best, but at the same time and as you know, the likelihood of success is much higher when starting off with a proven commodity.

The fact that Bill offered very specific suggestions as to what he's found to work best in terms of upgrading / addressing some of those problems really helped me out in that area. The fact that i discussed this with several professional rebuilders / reconers and it left them dazed told me that most non-professionals wouldn't be interested in such info. It gets very involved as the parts used require modification for use, so you can't even resort to "off the shelf" substitution.

As such, i refrained from posting such info. Someone attempting to perform such work without basic levels of experience will most assuredly destroy an irreplaceable driver that i dearly love. This is much the same reason that i had previously refrained from posting specific info about AC systems, as i didn't want to encourage potential hazards with even more serious potential results. The only reason that i did so was at the private request of several different Agon members who are / were dealing with that situation at the time. Sean