Comments on Thiel CS2.2 speakers

I'm considering some Thiel CS 2.2 speakers. My current speakers are Vandersteen 2CI coupled with PS Audio HCA-2 and an older PS pre-amp. Front end is a Rotel CD player and Thorens turntable. Any thoughts from you experienced experts out there as to whether this is a viable, smart thing to do? Thanks in advance for any info. Your advice means a lot to this rural musicholic dummie!
Thanks guys for your responses. Think I'll just sit tight for the time being and maybe look for an updated pre-amp - maybe tubes to warm up the sound of the HCA-2. Most of you guys know how it goes. You haven't bought anything for a year or two and then start tinkering with ideas to make the sound "better" than it is. If $$$ were no object, I'd probably go berserk!
I have recently aquired apair of 2.2,s.Compared to my La scalas they seem as though there are blankets over them compaired to the KLipsch:however they do perform some magic with that huge soundstage and imaging.Also the low end at 32hz is amazing.I have come to appreciate them as apples compaired to oranges and I also own a pair of804 matrix,so how do ya like that,a bright klipsch lover enjoying B&Ws and thiel!Whats next tube lovers owning solid state gear as well,oh yea, thats me too.
Have own LaScallas.Have owned Thiel CS1,1.2,2,2.2,now 2.3s using MC206 McIntosh amp. Thiels need power.With your setup I think the Vandys would sound better