Amps to use with Von Schweikert VR4jr's

I'm curious what owners of these speakers are driving them with. I currently use a Gamut D200, and am wondering what others I might consider. For example, the Pass amps . Anyone got any suggestions as to what they have found to be a great combo?

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Another vote for JC-1 Halos. I tried them with VRjr, and then left tubes. I agree that the VRjr needs more power and control than most tube amp will allow, and the bass will not be satisfying.

The Halos exhibit outstanding control, sheer overall power and tight, yet natural bass with weight and authority, that is very appealing. Some of the tube midrange character is gone, but it is a surprisingly natural, transparent portrayal that is SS at its best.

The very revealing and transparent VRjr is allowed to present its clear window on the sound that is the best I've had in my system. I don't miss tube amps anymore but a little.
Thanks for the info regarding the JC-1. I was considering one of the new Passamps, the 250.5 model. They will have the balls to drive these speakers, I think, and judging from the opinions I have seen, they are fine mamps. I'd like to hear more possibilities before I make a change, but I think the Gamut amp is just not "strong " enough for a low-medium sensitivity speaker, especially at louder volumes which I like.

I'm interested in what the Pass 250.5 sounds like as well, compared to JC-1s.