Speakers for Lamm ML2.1

I am pretty close to making a decision on speakers for my Lamm ML2.1. I listen to jazz and classical music mainly. Front end is currently Wadia but will probably switch to EMM set up. I have a Budget of $50,000 for the speakers. I usually prefer to buy new. Room size is currenly 20x21 with 9 ft ceiling, however custom room once the speakers are bought. Wanted to hear from experianced audiophiles on which direction they would go.

comments appreaciated
thx andy
Hi ,
If you do not need the extreme high sound levels you should listen to the Ocellia kedros silver(15 K).It is a dual concentric alnico magnet driven speaker 16 ohm 97DB (NO crossover!!).What you here of musicality....speed...direct sound(no time shift in the frequency range-remember no crossover)..a full body sound....all this will make you forget most other speakers.I agreed with Wright about non existing intresting top end high eff. speakers until the ocellia silver kedros.
Most benefit you get in classic ,jazz and non elecronic music ;they will play pop and rock no problem but they are just to good for that(you will hear weakness of pop music,recording errors-out of the box music-no room information-pure studio boxed music-musicians not always on high level etc..).
A tip for ML2 owners change the 12ax7 for the telefunken ecc 803s ! And put Herbie's Hal-o tube rings on all the tubes(i have the PEEK Rings on the 803's and 6n6p's and on the others the metal rings).This makes the lamms SING! (remember the lamm ML2 has vibration problems,you have to take care were you put them on).
I have the older Lamm ML2s, and they are singing quite happily with my Avantgarde Duo Omegas (18 ohm, 108 dB). Of course, your budget would allow for Trios & Basshorns...mmmmmmmmm.