More on the VR4seIII

The instructions I read when I recieved mine state that if your into rock,heavy metal you need to bi-amp these speakers. I earlier asked what are people useing successfully with these speakers ,and see nowhere that users are bi-amping. I dont feel Im geting the best out of mine thus the reason for asking for help. Has anyone run a tube amp for the top, and solid state for the bottom. Im considering getting the RM 200 for the top and maybe Belles 150A HR for the bottom. Or Bel Canto for the bottom, or Halo for the bottom. See what I mean? Im not sure ,please advise if you would. Thanks Map1
Sounds like some good advice, and I appreciate it. I know its there with these speakers and Im even haveing fun with them trying to find it. If you dont mind what pre-amps have you been useing with yours? Im already starting to think that I dont have mine far enough off the back wall. Anyway, happy listening.
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I initially ran my VR4's with an Aragon 8008bb on the bottom and Manley Neo-Classic 250 monoblock tube amps on the top.


I now run them with Parasound Halo JC-1's (bi-wired) and an ARC LS25 mk1 with XLR IC's between the pre and amps (XLR connection with these amps is absolutely essential).

This combo is a much better setup than the bi-amp scenario, IMO.
I'm using 2 stereo Cary V12R's and a Mcintosh C2200 pre with great success.Fantastic for Jazz!
You might want to try a pair of Parasound Halo JC-1's. A few of us have tried them with VR4's with great success. I also like the spectron musician II/III on these speakers alot, but I dont think taht is going to get you what YOU want (the liquid midrange was the hint for me). Also, I own the speakers and I do not biamp.
I hope that helps.
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