What cables are you running with your ARC gear

looking for insight from the community here. what cables are your running with your ARC gear. I have almost pieced together a system after being away from audio for several years (the kids college tuition took a toll on my previous system). my new system consists of an ARC LS25, ARC VT130SE, ARC CD3, ARC PH3SE and Sonus Faber Venere 3.0 speakers. comments and recommendations are greatly appreciated.
16 responses and 23 cable recommendations. You get the picture with cables?
pops so true, cables are cables. Try a couple of different brands to see what works best with your ears. With my arc gear i tried Nordost blue heavens, red dawns the flatline ones. I then tried Tara prime m2 cables and i sold the nordost. I kept the taras and never looked back.