Would you buy speakers with out first listening ?

I've never owned a pair of speakers that I have not listened to before hand...do you guys trust and buy on opinion? If so, have you experienced any great "let down".

Absolutely NOT. Just like Larry - I've listened to a lot of "high-end" speakers that I couldn't stand. Nor is it a good idea to make expensive judgments based on the opinions on message boards. (One look at the Audiogon "Recordings to Die For" list will prove that point :)
There's always a hardcore group that likes anything (especially the newest, most-hyped equipment) even more so after they've plunked down a few grand and own it. And they're the people who tend to post about it actively, so there's an inherent bias. For example, I dislike the new Gallo Ref III's, but I'm not going to waste my time running around chat boards warning everybody who asks about them, but at the same time there's a few Gallophiles who enjoy raving about them whenever they get the chance.

Once you're above a certain level of design and build quality, it all depends on your particular ears, brain, and likes/dislikes.

And lastlly, one all-important important consideration - the amount of grief you will get from your wife when you have to eat a $1500 loss because you don't like your new speakers as soon as you hook 'em up. Trust me - I know about that firsthand!
I am just getting back into the game and everything has changed from when I sold stereos to work my way through college in the early 70s. In the last six months, over the internet, I have purchased B&W Matrix 803, B&W CDM2, JM Lab Electra 906, Velodyne SLP-1200, Revel Performa F50 & C50, all used. We are happy with all of the purchases: It even makes my wife happy to argue over which one sounds better. My wife likes the JM Labs & Velodyne SLP-1200 better than the Revels. If she were not watching me type this, I would tell you she is wrong.

Research it first. If you buy it used and do not like it, sell it. If you buy it right, your loss should be minimal. It certainly gives you access to speakers otherwise unavailable.
I just picked up Innersound EROS MKII speakers with never hearing them, and I love them..people say the sweet-spot is too narrow, in my case I cant move my neck at all so its no big deal.
I agree that you haven't "heard" the speaker until it's in your system. So, yes, several times I bought having only auditioned at a store. Now that the stakes are higher, i.e. more $ into components, dedicated room etc., I need to hear it in my environ. Now, the question is, would I buy any component from cables to cd players without first auditioning.
I don't subscribe to the "gotta listen for hours/days to assess the speaker" group. I can tell in five minutes whether a speaker is a serious enough upgade to change. If the speaker doesn't blow me away with how drastically better it sounds, then I figure why change? Auditioned my current mains, oh, say 30 seconds and I knew I'd buy them. Got them home, and say 5 minutes of playing in my system and I knew they'd stay.
More of a leap of faith was shelling out the extra to run them in a stacked (double pair) configuration. I read a review which lauded it, so I picked up the extra amp, cables, interconnects, and speakers having never heard it. One of the best leaps of faith I've ever taken.
My confidence in first seeking out the speakers was bolstered by reading 17 perfect reviews (every review rating a 5 of 5) on audioreview.com I saw that the associated equipment of the reviewers was of high calibur, and assesed their comments accordingly. A great source for assessing components that one cannot audition. I also paid attention to what speakers the reviewers were trading in (namely the ones I owned at the time)for the new one. That spoke volumes.
Yes. Bought Spendor 1/2E's sight unseen never heard. Not for one instance ever regreted the purchase.
Just too many positive things were said. That many people can't ALL be in cahoots with a company.
Beside I live in an area that is severely audio challenged. I can listen to some Bose, Polk...
I just did it again.