Good match for Merlin?

Looking to see what the feedback is for matching my system with the VSM Merlin 2-ways (MM). Currently running Ayre CX7e - BAT 51SE - Ayre V1-Xe - Hydra 8. Tara labs IC and speaker cables. Room size is 16X26. Listen to mostly jazz and female vocals at med volume. Would appreciate any feedback from individuals who have a similiar set-up as myself.
I don't think the Ayre V-1Xe will work at all with the Merlins, so please sell it to me so that I can save you from any case of extreme "sonic euphoria"!
I take it by your comments and your system threads, you approve of the Ayre match. Would you give me some additional insight other than unselfishly saving me from "sonic euphoria"?
In a system with VSM-MM,Cardas wires,modded DVD players and Counterpoint pre,in a room 13x20,lower volume levels were excellent.When we went up to mid-high levels the sound got a little bright and glaring.2 of us felt the same way.This is not necessarily a negative comment on the Ayre,we just liked the sound with other amps we tried.Good luck,Bob