From Avantgarde to a conventional speaker?

I love the coherence and incredible lifelike dynamics and feel to music that I have heard from the Avantgarde Uno and Duo speakers. However, given room size and family harmony, speakers of this size are not going to be a viable option for me. Are there any conventional speakers of reasonable dimension that can compete with the coherence and dynamics of the Avantgarde speakers? I would love to hear from anyone who has made the transition from an Avantgarde speaker to a more conventional design. Many thanks in advance for you help and advise.

All the best,
check out the acapella fidelio monitors. they sounded incredible at the past 2005 nyc he show. around $6.5k with stands.
You might look at the Classic Audio Reproductions T-5, which is an extemely dynamic loudspeaker in a reasonably sized package. If you can swing it, the larger T-1 is even better. Let your wife put knick-knacks and whatnots on top of the T-1's; designer John Wolff routinely shows them with porcelain dogs on top.


Folks, many, many thanks for the excellent suggestions so far - please keep them coming. I will check each of them out (except the Trio's - that would be like rubbing salt into the wound :).

All the best,
I own Avantgardes and I know what you are describing. You might look into a single driver speaker like Cain and Cain, Rethm, Beauhorn, or even the inexpensive Hornshoppe speaker. Although the Bass might be a tiny bit light, the resolution and dynamics are even better than the AG's. All these brands have speakers that are smaller than the AG's too.