D-SONIC SOA Class-D Core Amps. The best Class-D ?

Owner/Designer Dean Deacon of D-Sonic in Houston in recent months dropped using the B&O ICE amps which he now only uses in the surround channels of his multi-channel home theater amps. He now uses a new Class-D amp in all of his Magnum2 mono and two channel amps which he states is the most technically advanced Class-D amp on the market, called the SOA Class-D core amps. The recent review in 6Moons of his new M2-1500M amp concludes its the closest that Class-D has ever come to tube amps in the upper mid-range and high frequencies.
Anyone bought or heard recently the D-Sonic M2-1500M or the M2-600M? What are your opinions?
Beyond McBuddah, anyone else owning up to owning D-Sonic amps?
Your impressions versus other amps!
Does anybody know the difference between the Abletech and Pascal designs?

My main concern is audio quality, 60% music and 40% movies, TV shows, etc.

I sent Dennis an e-mail regarding the M3-1500's 3 channel Amp and the M3-1200's Stereo Amp as these would be my 2 options, and He responded that all of his amps have the same sound signature and that he doesn't discuss the specific technology used on his amps, fair enough.

Maybe somebody here knows which design would be better for music and what technology is used on each of the amps mentioned above? My speakers are the Gallo 3.5
Well, in lieu of actually hearing the vendor is saying they both will sound pretty much alike, FWIW.

Maybe. Time will tell for sure I suppose. How bad can any of them sound? I suspect they all sound pretty good. Generous return policies/satisfaction guarantees always help, especially when so much is still unknown.
Luigy, I venture to conjecture that perhaps 2-way D-Sonics amps might be optimized for music... Let us know what you find out. G.