Spendor S8e vs. Sonus Faber Grand Piano

I'm considering each of these speakers to be used with
a Moon I-5LE in a 10x13 room. I auditioned the Spendor briefly in my room but not the Sonus.My music taste varies from jazz to classic rock to acoustic folk music. Any input on this would be very helpful. Thanks, Tom
I've heard both of these speakers in my system and felt that the Spendor, while open and dynamic w/excellent bass, was a bit unkind to digital sources. (The new S series departs from the Spendor Classic series' Scan-Speak D2010s, and this is most likely the reason.) The Sonus Faber seemed more balanced, and I would have probably settled with it.
both are great speakers, but i've gotta say that for the money it doesn't get much better than the grand pianos for a very wide variety of music. tonally both are dead-on for jazz and folk, but the pianos can and do rock, as a well designed speaker should.
IMO the Grand Pianos are a superior choice.(Yes, I own a pair)The current GP homes have just been discontinued and replaced with an updated model which is now viewable on the SF home page. If it were me, I would snatch up a pair of the Grand Piano homes at a deal...
