To all the well wishers, TVAD, Trelja, (thanks for the discs) Chadnliz, Boa2, and any I may have missed, THANK YOU.
We really will work to gain your respect.
Sometimes marketing goes over a line of reality--and given that these are our 'babies' so to speak we, may even do that. Just remember, that we are one of you, trying to service you and put wonderful music and enjoyment in your homes.
We offer 30 day full refund on all products, (well, probably not the F7, since we're back ordered) and it may not get much better than that.
We support our dealer base, and if we sell direct, we will reimburse the local dealer (if there is one) with the profit dollars they would have gotten had they sold to you.
These Brick and mortar guys are going to work, just like all of you, working, hopefully to earn your business.
I would like comments from any and all of you about GREAT potential dealers. If you like them let me know, and we'll try to put them on for you.
As to the Bay Area, if you want a serious demo, I will have them taken to your nearest dealer, whoever that is, if they'll allow it-- these F7's take almost 3 months to carve out of aluminum, with weighted CNC machines--so back orders 'is us' in perpituity, until I can maybe talk a great company with several really good CNC operators into helping us. (Jim Thiel of THIEL Audio my former employer comes to mind.) Who better than Jim, to do good cabinet work??? We all know they are one of the best--and if they can keep their staff busy and making money, even though we're competitors, why not? You really have to hear these things to believe it, and even though $25K is a chunk, our margin is razor thin on this speaker because of the labor involved.
Anyway, thanks again, and write me with suggestions, @ my email, or call me personally at my private, number 502 671 7988 any time.