DK Design Group X-Dream - wow

Has anybody seen the review on the DK Design Group X-Dream speakers?

I better start saving up.
Think of the implications, Mr. Staples. Your oversight could have spelled doom for millions of animals had the participants shown up instead at the 3H club. And just how many people would have starved to death while looking for their next meal at the APPY UNTER? You may as well give up your efforts to build the world's finest speakers, having just destroyed the lives of ilary Swank, Clinton, and Sir Edmund imself.

Spellcheck, Larry. C'mon, the software is free, my friend. In this business, it's the little things that will urt you in the end.

Guidocorona and Boa2: come on....Geez, give Staples a break. There's no spellcheck in this forum. Everybody makes typographical errors when they start a thread or post a response, especially when a person is speed-typing to try to crank out a message because they're busy. This guy is obviously under time contstraints as he heads up a new business. He made a simple typo. So what!! Why even waste your time or anyone else's to take such cheap shots in an effort to have fun. The nerve and arrogance of some audiophiles is unbelievable. Any mistakes in his post should not be construed as a reflection on the quality of his company, period.
Ok, my previous post went right over the edge and its tone was unwarranted. I have requested Agon staff to nuke it. Having fun of Trills, thrills and frills is fine, but the rest was unbecoming.
But let's all use spell-chuckers folks, or our spillings will go on right to the dogs! (or is it to the ducks?)
Somebody really needs to learn the difference between "then" and "than". At least they included the "h" in "shill".

ItalianBiira- where the heck did you come from with your pretty birds and business advice? That's a valuable lesson you taught through your birdies. You cut straigt troug all da' bullsit right to da' eart of the matter!: As I do anything is as I do everything. Oooh, that wouldn't make anyone take me very seriously. Strike that. As I do anything, except those things where I deliberately deviate from the norm as I've established elsewhere in more serious matters, is as I do everything. Yeah, that's it, that's the ticket!

Marco, I should have given Italian birra to drink to my Bengal finch. I am sure he would have trilled his little frilly heart out with it for the thrill! But red Barolo would have been even better.
By my request Agon has nuked my original post.