I would like to say upfront that I am a dealer for Von Schweikert, have been a dealer for Kharma and have owned most of the Wilson speakers that have been produced.
As Hooper and Hifimaniac alluded to, the Von Schweikert VR7SE's are incredible. They are probably the finest fully passive speaker I have heard. The Wilson MAXX II's excel at big dynamic swings and have very good bass extension but do not have the cohesiveness and clarity of the Kharma speakers. The Kharma's are very transparent and musical, but lack the real deep bass that gives foundation to the music as well as lacking the big dynamics one gets with the Wilson speakers.
Someone also mentioned the Rockports. While being a very musical speaker, they lack the ultimate clarity and dynamics that I look for in a speaker.
The Von Schweikert VR7SE's seem to have it all. Clarity and musicality, dynamics and plummeting bass, cohesiveness and highs to die for. They are also easier to drive than either the Wilson's, or the Kharma's.
Find a way to listen to as many speakers as you can. At the price range you are in, it might be worth it to fly to different locations to insure your investment.
Good luck!