Speaker upgrade

Looking for advice on new speakers for use in a 18' x 30' room. Listen to female vocals, classic rock. Current system includes newly acquired Mac 501 mono blocks, Musical Fidelity 308 CD player and 308 preamp. Speakers are Thiel 2.3. Cables are Harmonic Tech.

Anyone heard the VonSchwiekert VR4 SR, also looking forward to the Thiel 3.7's. Looking for more bass and room filling impact without boom. Appreciate your input.
Seurat, just got home from a wonderful sushi dinner celebrating a very long, tedious house closing. I'm exhausted. I should have thrown a comma in there, but a couple of killer subs will add the oomph (power) to move the air and avoid the nulls--cancellations due to room paramters and placement of the sub. Get on Audioasylum and plug into nulls and do your homework. I'm beat.
warren :-)
I appreciate all of the usefull help. I am looking to upgrade my preamp and CD player and am looking at the Mac C200 or C46(among others). As for CD I am less sure but was not planning on a Mac CD player. My experience with subs nasn't been the best. Never heard a well integrated sound. So i am mainly interested in input on speakers. Curious about what the new Thiel 3.7's will bring to the table.The 501's definetly have more weight then the MF 308 amp they replaced so maybe a Mac amp would be a big upgrade.
Pete, put your speakers on the short wall, as well. That will work with your subs if you go that way. I used to own a pair of CS1.5s. Let's face it: how much air can you move in a room your size with a 6.5 woofer? It has been my experience two subs each placed near your Thiels should give your room what it needs. Much less expensive option than some of the suggestions. Why did prgrammergeek recommend the 5a, besides being drop dead killer speakers? They utilize subwoofers. Happy listening.