electrosats "toed out"?

Has anyone ever tried to toe stats out to widen the sweet spot? I know reflections are not what speakers like Innersound wich I have were made for, but with such a small sweet spot could it be widened by using the wall to reflect the sound? I cant physically move them without help so I thought I would ask you guys before even trying, I know it probably sounds really stupid, so be nice!
Some people swear by use planar speaker facing each other for soundstage that fills room, and HUGE sweetspot. Not certain if work with Innersond speakers, but easy to try, no?
I found in my system that my Accoustat Spectra 66 esls had a very specific toe in that was once found , was magical. In every system in a given room , there will be that perfect spot you may be fortunate enough to locate.It will be a balance of many sonic attributes worthy of pursuit. Audio education is a private , all consuming endeavour that many of us spend our lives content to do alone yet is fulfilling . Its rather unique to many of us. The curve is vast and perilous . Resolution freaks graduate to imaging obsessives or vice versa. Bass crazies give way to midrange thirsty ideologists . One of the most important aspects of education is the graduation of spl. Newbees do not understand that excessive volume can distort the sonic envelope and flatten the field truncating depth and soundstaging properties.Listening to music at the proper level is like getting a graduate degree. Not a phd , but somewhere past high school and a bachelor degree. Just like a perfect "toe" , the perfect volume will come with time and experimentation.
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