Von Schweikert DB 99-ribbon add on tweeter

Has anyone heard them? don't think i'll buying them since they come without grills.

Good for you, let us know what/if they come up with something for you.

Saxman2- yes pics would be great if you could post.
Congrats Jack on the new pair with the ebony finish - I think that would look very good. I'd love to see some pics of them and the new ribbon! I should finally be getting mine, sans tweeter, set up over the next week or so.

Matt - Austin
Just hooked the 99's up to the consonance 211's and WOW they sound good. Will be getting the Droplet soon. I am currently committing a sin and using a $100.00 Apex carousel CD player that I had stuck away since college with them as a standby. Amazing but it still sounds fairly good. Certainly a tribute to the speakers and amps.

By the way, in case anyone is considering this we tried to use consonance CD-120 with an axiom passive pre and the volume gain was too great. To us didn't seem like a good mix.
Not trying to take over the thread but I am tweaking the speaker placement and was wondering where others placed them from the walls. Currently mine are 4.1 ft from side wall and 6.1 ft from back wall in a 15 ft wide room. Where have you all found the best placement for the 99's?
I checked all around the board and do not know how to post a picture. If you are interested in a picture, just email me and I would be happy to send you one!