No doubt, the big Tannoys are exquisite; the Acapella not sensitive enough (the big ones are, but very expensive as mentioned). I too prefer Acapella to Avant garde (which are very good, in & of themselves. They're BIG, BTW).
Other than the brands mentioned, you might also consider the big Cabasse (not cheap, but good).
However, in all these cases you're looking at euro 15-20k+, easily.
Why NOT, if you live close or at Paris: look up and audition an open baffle design they have. It is (was) very good; you can upgrade the basic design to include a top-of-the-line ribbon tweet/supertweet and active bass.
This would mean biamping -- but the low frequency amp doesn't have to be another Lamm... by any stretch of the imagination.
The sound is (should be) invariably better than a full-range passive speaker.
Given the high level of your (excellent) system, purchasing a speaker to match seems to me financially crippling:)!
Oh yes, preamp. IF you can, forgo the pre for now. Use a transformer violume cotrol for now, and focus on speakers (IMO, etc).
Other than the brands mentioned, you might also consider the big Cabasse (not cheap, but good).
However, in all these cases you're looking at euro 15-20k+, easily.
Why NOT, if you live close or at Paris: look up and audition an open baffle design they have. It is (was) very good; you can upgrade the basic design to include a top-of-the-line ribbon tweet/supertweet and active bass.
This would mean biamping -- but the low frequency amp doesn't have to be another Lamm... by any stretch of the imagination.
The sound is (should be) invariably better than a full-range passive speaker.
Given the high level of your (excellent) system, purchasing a speaker to match seems to me financially crippling:)!
Oh yes, preamp. IF you can, forgo the pre for now. Use a transformer violume cotrol for now, and focus on speakers (IMO, etc).