Looking for a romantic sounding monitor

I currently own a pair of Triangle Zerius I want to keep and put into a second system. I am looking for a romantic pair of bookshelves to use with my Roksan Caspian MKII Int with a YBA CD Special. I dont know if Quad L series or B&W will give me the romantic sound im looking for. Any suggestions under $1000 new or used?
08-23-05: Bignerd100
Spendor SP3/1P... like budda!
This guy is right, these speakers are smooth.
Trianglezerius, have you tried Roksan RokOne monitors with your Roksan Caspian Integrated amp? Roksan used to demonstrate them together at shows. The RokOne's were built by Spendor and according to Roksan's specifications. Retailed for $1000, but no longer manufactured and discontinued for several years now. On occasion I have seen NOS Roksan RokOne's selling for around $500.

I think the Totem Model 1 Sigs fit your description; I just had a home audition over several days. Definitely more romantic and alive than hi-fi or clinical. Used pairs come up on the 'Gon around your price I believe.

I was especially taken with the naturalness of voice and guitar through these speakers, even though they may not be the last word in low level detail amongst the better monitors. Bass seemed light at first, but seemed to be gaining strength with more hours on them.

The new Rainmaker comes within your budget, but I have not compared.