Triangle Titus 202 Opinions?

I have recieved much help from many of you in previous threads. I have boiled my search down to the Triangle Titus speakers. But before I go out to buy a pair, I'd like to ask your opinions on these speakers.
Hello The_Kid, yes the highs have mellowed just a bit, the more I listen to them the better they sound but they seem to be lacking in the lower midrange area yet they throw a very good soundstage and are guite transparent. I am going to continue listening but I kind of miss that lower midrange area and I am thinking about moving on to Totem Arros, just a though.
Good to hear! I was afraid they would not. A good friend of mine had a pair and at first loved them. Then after owning them a while, he realized he was listening to music a lot less than he used to. The Triangles were just fatiguing to listen to. Once he sold them, problem solved. Good luck!

French speakers tend to be very system dependant. You can't just toss them into the pot and hope the receipe works out like you can with most other speakers. Getting the right ingredients is the key to success and that takes some time and effort. But get it right and their dynamics and clarity will reward you like few others can.

I know the Arros well - they will be a HUGE change in sound type. Their treble is not very articulate which affects their overall transparency excessively in my opinion. Same goes for the poor Hawks we A/Bed with my JM Labs - we were surprised at how muddy and confused the Totems sounded in comparison. But, they may be more your taste than mine!

By the way, what electronics are you using? Arthur
Hi Aball, I have to agree, the Triangles have remarkable clarity. I recently purchased an Arcam AVR300 because I listen to both music and DVD movies/TV/etc... So I know that the Solid State Arcam is contributing to the bright sound. That is one reason I thought the Totem's would sound good.