Spectral DMA 400 initial impressions

I finally had the chance to listen to the new Spectral DMA 400 mono blocks.
I currently have a spectral system that consist of the DMA 360 series II, 30SS series II and the SDR 4000s. I like the Spectral sound and have been happy with the sound for couple of years now, but a new reference amplifier from Spectral got be curious and interested.

I have performed extensive listening and A-B comparison to the 360 series II. I used orchestral, chamber, instrumental, vocal, jazz and rock music.

I typically do not A-B components and just let my music play. In 99% of the time this is enough for me to study and learn sonic signatures. This time I actually had to A-B the 400s against the 360s as the sonic differences happen to be very subtle.

As the DMA 400 is based on the new concept of the DMA 260 with its different sonic characteristics, I expected more noticeable sonic differences - but they they were lacking.: the 400s sounded very close to the 360 series II.

If pushed to comment, I would say that the 400s might be more refined in the lower frequencies, however the overall tonality, soundstage, focus, macro and micro dynamics are similar. The 360s have a bit fuller body. Overall I would say that I liked the 360 better.

I concluded that although the DMA 400 are so called the new reference, in my mind it does not justify the increased cost and surely the extra cost to exchange a fine pair of 360s.

Retailers as always claim that new products are better, but listen with your ears and be the judge of yourself. In this particular case it was funny that a long spectral dealer, with its age-related hearing changes was not able to pick up a reverse phase error, but conclusively attested to the better quality of the new product...as always - trust your ears !
Thats interesting. I once heard a famous new $30K speaker being debuted at a
dealer and it was wired out of phase. I said something and no one seemed to
notice. I suggested he check out the cables in back. Sure enough, they were
reversed. He switched them and all agreed it sounded much better.

Trust your ears, not someone else's.

I have heard the Spectral gear sound great in dealer demos. Perhaps the
differences with the DMA 400 would be more apparent with an extremely
demanding speaker load.
I think the differences are in favor of the 400s with the Q7. Also, there will be a DMA-300 stereo amp coming out at the end of the year, based on the 400s - will be interesting to see what that's all about...
The Spectral press release claims the new DMA 400 is a huge breakthrough. Only subtle differenced compared to a 360s2 ??